Flair Gymnastics Founder & CEO Richard Dwyer is coaching the coaches!

If your child is a member at Club Weybridge you may have spotted Richard Dwyer ‘Flair Founder’ at your club recently. What is he up to? Find out here…

We are very fortunate that former South East Of England gymnastics champion and former stuntman, our very own company Founder & CEO, Richard Dwyer is working closely with the coaching team at Club Weybridge this term. Richard is in at Club Weybridge until the end of term as he passes on his expertise to the coaching team. Richard is introducing some new techniques and coaching styles to the team, whilst helping to create the very best learning environment for the children.

Richard says, “Continual professional development of our coaching team is key and I really enjoy helping them to further their education. This in turn gives them the tools to teach your children with even more confidence.” 

This term the focus is very much on coach development as we hold another Flair Necessities ‘STAFF’ Training Day and have another UK Flair Coaching Course planned for later on in the term. Continuous investment in our staff is just one of the ways that we make sure your child is getting the best coaching possible for maximum learning.

WATCH THIS VIDEO to find out more about our coach training and follow Richard Dwyer ‘Founder & CEO’ as he guides the coaches in developing their skill set.


We offer ongoing professional development giving coaches the support they need so that they can teach your children with competence and confidence. Through hands on coaching days like these in a safe and exciting environment, our awesome coaching team continue to develop and flourish. 

To learn more about coaching opportunities at Flair, please visit www.GymnasticsJobs.co.uk

If you would like your child to be taught by the awesome Flair coaching team why not book a trial class. We’d love to meet you.

Best wishes,


The Parent’s Champion

P.S. Secure your child’s Trial Class by calling the hotline – 01483 654440

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