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Which sport is the right choice for you?
Trampolining, Freestyle and Gymnastics Classes
We have exciting gymnastics classes and sports to suit every type of budding young athlete from beginners through to advanced and for ages 4 – 17 yrs. Each programme follows a structured and progressive syllabus which allows your child to develop at the correct rate of learning that is personalised to them in their chosen sport, be it Gymnastics, Trampolining or Freestyle, or a combination of all 3 classes.
Learn more about our classes by watching the videos at
For 4 yr - 17 yr
Beginner to Advanced
For 5 yr - 17 yr
Beginner to Advanced
For 7 yr - 15 yr
Beginner to Advanced
SEND Gymnastics & Trampolining
For 4 yr - 17 yr
Beginner to Advanced
Squad Gymnastics
For 8 yr - 17 yr
Intermediate to Advanced
One2One Tuition
For 4 yr - 17 yr
1 hr of One2One Tuition
More Fun
Spectacular Trampolining
Birthday Parties!
Holiday Camps
Tumble Camps and Trampolining
Masterclasses During every school holiday!
We’d love to partner with your child’s school.