Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
This contractual agreement, it’s terms & conditions, the members rules, parents rules and all associated rules, policies and regulation of membership, govern the terms and conditions of membership, members AND non-members use of our clubs/academies and your relationship with Flair Gymnastics.
Our Obligations
We are responsible for providing a venue, equipment and coaches to deliver a timetable of gymnastics tuition, using a balanced and progressive syllabus.
We are responsible for the health & safety of members, ensuring that members will be safe using our club for the purposes of gymnastics tuition.
We only select the best coaches to teach at our clubs and employ and train our team. You may not always have the same coach in class as we often move timetables and groups to encourage additional teaching styles to further students personal development.
Customer Obligations
You are responsible for following our club rules, terms & conditions, regulations and policies and our Flair necessities for parents. Please read these documents carefully as they affect your rights and liabilities under the law.
You are responsible for paying the appropriate membership costs (annual membership and monthly tuition fees) of all members who are linked to your account. You are also responsible to pay for using facilities, service and products not covered by your membership option.
And you are responsible for providing notice to cancel in the event that you would like to discontinue your membership by completing the online cancellation form at www.ukflair.com/cancel
By attending a Flair club or class or bringing the member for attendance at a Flair club, it is deemed that you accept these Terms and Conditions and agree to be legally bound by them.
1 Starting Membership and Your Payments
Flair Gymnastics payments consist of three parts:
(1) Trial class fee
(2) Annual membership fee
(3) Monthly tuition fees
1.1 Membership to Flair runs on a continued rolling basis until you tell us that you would like to cancel. After joining you will continually be charged annually for ‘annual membership’ and monthly for ‘tuition fees.’
1.2 At no point during your membership are we able to pause or freeze your membership (this includes travel, holidays etc).
1.3 Your trial class fee is paid in advance of your trial class and is not refundable if you decide not to attend, for any reason.
1.4 When you pay for your trial class, you authorise the use of your payment (credit/debit) card for recurring monthly tuition fee payments should you wish to continue with classes after your trial class. For card security tokenization information, please view our privacy policy https://ukflair.com/privacy-policy
1.5 You grant us express permission to charge your card for membership and tuition fees 72 hours after your trial class unless you tell us not to by using the opt out form at www.ukflair.com/cancel
1.6 The member’s master start (JOINING) date will be the date of the next timetabled class following the member’s trial class.
1.7 Your next payment (after your trial class) will be collected in advance of your master start date, using your registered credit or debit card that you used to book your trial class.
1.8 Your payment will include your annual membership fee and class tuition fees up until your regular monthly tuition fee payment commences on the first of the following month.
1.9 If we process your membership and tuition payment 72 hours after your trial class and you then decide to cancel, or have forgotten to OPT OUT within 72 hours, we shall refund you, so long as you inform us that you would like to cancel and be refunded within 24 hours of the payment being processed. We reserve the right to charge a cancellation administration fee for cancellations of this nature.
1.10 Your regular monthly tuition fee payment will be processed on the 1st of the month thereafter, which is the date each month when your monthly tuition fee payment becomes due.
1.11 It is your responsibility to keep us updated with an ‘active’ payment card that is within its expiry date and with sufficient credit or funds available for the full amount due for your monthly tuition fee payment.
1.12 If your card fails for any reason, we will attempt to take this payment again and if it continues to fail we will contact you to request using an alternative card.
1.13 We or our agent may charge a fair and reasonable administration fee if your account falls into arrears.
1.14 We may pass any late or missed payments to a collection agency. If this happens we will charge fair and reasonable fees to cover our costs for such action.
1.15 Cancelling your credit card or blocking your payment to us does not mean you have given us notice to end the membership. As shown in the condition ‘Ending Your Membership’, you must provide us with notice to cancel.
1.16 If you do not pay for your monthly tuition fees, we may prevent the member from entering the club. This does not mean we will end the membership and you still remain liable for unpaid tuition fees and annual membership fees.
2 Annual Membership
2.1 Annual membership will be due as part of your first payment when deciding to join the club and will run from the members master start date and will become due annually on the 1st of the month in which the master start date anniversary falls.
2.2 Annual membership is non-refundable and non-transferable.
2.3 If you are in your notice period when your annual membership is due for renewal, you will receive a pro-ratered annual membership fee for the period of your notice.
2.4 If you give notice to cancel your membership after an annual membership payment has been made, your annual membership fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.
3 Discounts
3.1 We operate a sibling discount scheme and a discount scheme for additional classes that the member attends. Current price and discount schemes can be found online at www.ukflair.com
3.2 We reserve the right to amend or withdraw the discount scheme at any time. We will give you reasonable notice in writing or by email of any price changes or increases or changes to the discount scheme.
4 Refunds
4.1 Refunds for membership or tuition fees paid will only be given, if when we process your initial membership and tuition payment 72 hours after your trial class, you then decide to cancel, or have forgotten to OPT OUT within 72 hours. We shall refund you, so long as you inform us that you would like to cancel and be refunded within 24 hours of the payment being processed. We reserve the right to charge a cancellation administration fee for cancellations of this nature.
4.2 Refunds are issued if we have made a billing error on your account. Mistakes do happen from time to time, so if you believe we have made a billing error, please contact us immediately so that we can rectify any mistakes.
4.3 Any other refund request shall not be granted and with no exceptions.
5 Chargebacks
5.1 A chargeback is an action taken by your card issuer for fraudulent credit/debit card transactions that you report to them. It is important that if you notice any error on your billing that you, in the first instance, contact us directly so that we can rectify any such error.
5.2 If you request or as a result of requesting, receive a successful chargeback from your credit or debit card provider for fees paid to Flair, without first contacting Flair to discuss your grievance we shall report your claim to the police and they may investigate you for the crime of fraud or deception.
5.3 Any and all chargeback fees that we incur on your account will be passed onto you and your debt will be passed onto a collection agency where additional fees will be charged by the agency for the collection of the debt.
6 Termination of membership by customer
6.1 You may end the membership at any time by providing us with ‘cancellation notice’ and paying 2 additional tuition fee payments. Cancellation notice must be given by completing the online cancellation form at www.ukflair.com/cancel Once you provide your cancellation notice, Two (2) further (future) monthly tuition fee payments will be due from that date of giving notice to cancel. The member’s class place remains open to attend until the end of the month that follows your final payment.
6.2 Notice to cancel cannot be accepted at your club, by email or in writing, it can only be requested by completing the online cancellation form at www.ukflair.com/cancel. This is to allow the correct data protection security checks to take place.
6.3 We will confirm your cancellation instruction and the date of your last payment and the date of the members last class by email. Please retain a copy of this email for your records.
6.4 It is your responsibility to make sure that we have received your cancellation instruction.
6.5 You can end the membership (no cancelation notice) from the first day of the following month for the following reason: Serious medical illness or injury which cannot be helped by exercise so long as you email to hello@ukflair.com a letter from the member’s doctor with a valid practice stamp.
6.6 The member is not entitled to enter the club if the membership has ended.
6.7 Non attendance of classes by the member does not mean you have given us notice to cancel. You must provide us with cancellation notice by completing the online cancellation form at www.ukflair.com/cancel. If the member does not attend, this does not mean that you have cancelled and does not mean that we will end the membership and you remain liable for unpaid monthly tuition payments and annual membership fees.
7 Termination of membership by Flair Gymnastics
We may immediately and with no notice cancel the membership in the following circumstances
7.1 Customer or the member breaks or continues to break this agreement or break club rules.
7.2 You or the member use rude or abusive language, or threatens to use violent behaviour at any club or by phone, DM or email, or in writing to any of our staff.
7.3 You or the member acts in a way which disturbs other members or other customers enjoying the club.
7.4 If we end the membership for any of these reasons, we will stop any future payments and you will forfeit any payments that you have made, meaning, we shall not issue a refund for any payments made to date. We will also not grant you or the member future application for membership to any club in the Flair network and you or the member shall not be allowed to enter the club.
7.5 If we decide to change the location or permanently close the club, we will, where possible, give you 1 months notice of the change or closure (either in writing or by email).
8 Changing your monthly payments and changing our terms & conditions
8.1 As a customer you agree to follow rules of membership including our terms & conditions. We may make reasonable changes to these rules and our terms & conditions at any time as long as we give you advance notice of the changes.
8.2 Annual membership fee rates and monthly tuition fee rates may be increased, known as a ‘price increase’. We are within our rights to increase prices and we will give you reasonable notice in writing or by email of any price changes or increases.
9 Missed classes
9.1 We do not offer extra classes if you miss one of your scheduled classes and you are not permitted to have a refund.
For Example; If you miss a class, through sickness, injury, travel issues or taking holiday.
9.2 You can request, for a fee, a private class should you wish to make up for any missed in-person class. All private tuition is limited, billable and subject to availability.
10 Changing our class timetables and operating hours
10.1 Upon joining, you and the member/s are in agreement that the member/s class times and or day will change during their membership. This is so that we can cater for class demand and to allow members to be in the most appropriate class for their ability and needs.
10.2 Members will move into different classes at different times and/or days from the class that they originally joined, depending on our class timetables that are published in advance of each club term.
For example; members will move ‘UP’ a group to cater for their age and/or ability so that they are in the most appropriate group for their optimal learning.
10.3 From time to time we may make class day and time changes mid-term.
10.4 We will give reasonable notice of all changes to the class timetables, days and times.
10.5 Current class times can be found on the Flair website www.ukflair.com.
10.6 If circumstances that are out of our control (such as a venue double booking) cause us to cancel a published class date we may attempt to offer an alternative class day, time or date to substitute this cancelled class. This may be offered at an alternative club to your regular club within our network and will only be offered if the venue allows us access and where we do not exceed class capacity.
If you are unable to attend, or we are unable to provide an ‘alternative-class’ a refund will not be applicable.
10.7 If we decide to change the location of the club that you are a member of we will transfer your membership to the new club location. We reserve the right to change the location of your club within a 7 mile radius of the existing club. We will give reasonable notice of all changes to the club venues.
11 Parents Watching
11.1 If your club venue has a parent viewing zone and if you choose to stay and watch your child’s class, you are not permitted to enter the gymnastics area and must stay in the designated parent zone/s.
11.2 Sideline coaching is not permitted, or any actions that distract any of our students including your child. Eg. calling out, or interacting with your child whilst they are in class. This is not only dangerous, it undermines the trust relationship that our coaches build with the students, it slows down everyone’s progress and can cause embarrassment to your child.
12 Photos and Video
We do a lot of filming, photos, live streaming, social media and club promotion to help us to celebrate achievement and to grow our organisation. This includes filming testimonial videos and interviews with members and parents.
12.1 When taking a trial class OR joining a Flair club you are entering into a contractual agreement that grants us permission for you or your child’s likeness to be used during and after your membership at Flair and for use in company publicity, promotions, sales, marketing, training, social media and advertising activities for which there will be no payment or fee, now or in the future.
12.2 Photos and video remain the sole property of the company prior, during and after you are a member of the company, forever and on social media and any new media formats that are not currently in existence.
12.3 Before entering into this contract with Flair, please discuss with your child that they are happy to be part of a club where their photo/video will be used to celebrate the club and the sport and to help promote the club marketing activities.
12.4 By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you confirm that your child is not subject to family, care or legal proceedings, or if they are, to make us aware of any such proceedings so we can act accordingly and inline with our Use Of Photography and Filming policy.
12.5 For a full and comprehensive breakdown of how we store and use photos and video please refer to the following policies:
Use Of Photography and Filming
Privacy Policy
13 Medical Authorisation
13.1 It is your responsibility as the parent or legal guardian of the member to inform Flair of any medical conditions or injuries that your child (the member) has or had in the past, which may affect their ‘health or safety’ when participating in classes at Flair and to list any medication that your child (the member) is currently taking or needs to use whilst at class. Also to update Flair in the future with any medical conditions or medication needed that arise after joining that may affect your child’s (the member) ‘health or safety’ whilst participating at Flair.
13.2 By attending a Flair club or class or bringing the member for attendance at a Flair club, it is deemed that you authorise the staff of Flair to seek treatment for any injury that may occur to your child (the member) whilst participating at Flair. And in the event that you cannot be reached you authorise the doctor and or hospital to perform any necessary emergency treatment.
14 Understanding the Risk
14.1 Due to the nature of the activities at a Flair Club we wish to inform you that the possibility of serious injury does exist. As part of the classes at Flair, members will participate in vigorous athletic activity, which will include Trampolining, Gymnastics, Tumbling, Stretching and Conditioning. In an effort to make the sports of Gymnastics at Flair as safe as it can be, the staff will instruct all members concerning the necessary rules and the correct mechanics of all skills.
14.2 It is vital that members follow the coaches skill instructions, training rules and club policies in order to decrease the possibility of serious injury.
14.3 Members shall be helped in achieving movements by increasing flexibility and by physical shaping of their body by their coaches, under Flair’s guidelines and safe training practices.
14.4 We wish to inform you that severe injuries, including permanent paralysis or death can occur in sports or activities involving height or motion, those activities include but are not limited to gymnastics, tumbling and trampoline.
14.5 By attending a Flair club or class or bringing the member for attendance at a Flair club, it is deemed that you assume and ACCEPT ALL RISKS associated with such participation.
15. Data Protection and Privacy
15.1 Data Protection Compliance: Flair Gymnastics commits to the protection of your privacy and securing your personal information, adhering rigorously to the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR). Our procedures are designed to safeguard your personal contact details, the member’s personal contact details, and all associated data within our central database.
15.2 If your account falls into arrears we may share your contact information with our collection agent for purposes of payment collection. We can only discuss your account and the details of the member with the customer (the person who is paying for Flair services). And, if you are not the members parent, with your permission, the members parents or legal guardians.
For further details on how we protect and utilise your data, please refer to our Privacy Policy available at https://ukflair.com/privacy-policy.
16 Payment Processing
16.1 Secure Payment Transactions: We utilise a recurring payment system for managing monthly tuition fees, crucial for the seamless processing of membership costs. This system employs tokenisation technology, ensuring the utmost security in compliance with PCI data security standards, thereby preventing fraud and protecting your payment card details.
16.2 Our secure payment system is devised to facilitate the uninterrupted provision of our services, allowing us to securely charge your card (card on file) for billing and recurring payments. For comprehensive details, please see our Privacy Policy at https://ukflair.com/privacy-policy.
17 Ownership Transfer and Continuity of Service
17.1 Assurance of Service Continuity: In the event of a sale, merger, acquisition, transfer of management, or any form of asset transfer involving Flair Gymnastics, we guarantee the seamless continuity of your services. This agreement, including all rights, obligations, and data herein, shall be automatically assigned to and assumed by the new owner or controlling entity. The terms and conditions set forth in this agreement, particularly those concerning the protection and use of your personal and payment information, shall remain in effect, unchanged, unless explicitly revised by the new controlling entity.
17.2 This clause ensures that your membership experience, including the management of your account and payment processing, remains consistent and uninterrupted, irrespective of any organisational changes. We commit to executing any such transition in full compliance with UK data protection laws, thus ensuring that your personal and payment information continues to receive the highest level of protection.
18 Force Majeure
18.1 If either party is affected by Force Majeure it shall forthwith notify the other party of the nature and extent thereof and shall immediately enter in bona fide discussions with a view to alleviating its effects or to agreeing upon such alternative arrangements as may be fair and reasonable.
18.2 Neither party shall be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement, or otherwise be liable to the other, by reason of any delay in performance, or non-performance, of any of its obligations hereunder to the extent that such delay or non-performance is due to any Force Majeure of which it has notified the other party; and the time for performance of that obligation shall be extended accordingly in writing mutually by the parties.
19 Amendments to Terms and Conditions
19.1 Updates and Notifications
We reserve the right to update or modify these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. Any changes or modifications will be effective immediately upon posting the updated Terms and Conditions on our website, https://ukflair.com/terms-and-conditions. We will endeavour to notify you of any significant changes by email or through a prominent notice on our website. Your continued use of our clubs/academies after any such changes constitutes your acceptance of the new Terms and Conditions.
You, or The Customer – The person who is paying for Flair services, either as a member or on behalf of a member (eg. On behalf of your child)
Member/s OR Student- The person or persons who are taking part in classes at the club.
We and us – FLAIR GC LTD.(Flair, FlairGymnastics)
Your club – The Flair club at which you applied to join, are a member of or have been transferred to.
Membership – A member of a Flair club.
Annual membership fee – An annual fee that is charged to all members, due when joining and each year thereafter. For clarification: Your Annual membership is separate to your monthly tuition payments
Tuition fees – Payments made monthly in advance for timetabled tuition.
Regular Club– The club at which the member attends classes.
Rights Of Third Parties
A person who is not party to this agreement (The Flair terms & conditions) shall have no right under the contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this agreement (The Flair terms & conditions)
If any part of these terms and conditions is unenforceable, the unenforceability of any other part of those conditions will not be affected
Governing Law
This agreement will be governed by the laws of England and Wales.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask a member of our coaching team at a Flair club. Or you can contact our customer service team by Email: hello@ukflair.com. The Flair website: www.ukflair.com contains copies of membership rules, policies and answers to frequently asked questions. You can also contact us by phone: 01483 654440, or in writing to: Marine House, 151 Western Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, United Kingdom, RH16 3LH
Flair Gymnastics (Flair) and Flair Gym Clubs are trading names of FLAIR GC LRD. Limited. Registered in England and Wales, number 15526319 at the registered office address: Marine House, 151 Western Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, United Kingdom, RH16 3LH