Head Over Heels In Love With Gymnastics

I hope you are able to spend Valentine’s Day with the most special people in your life. If not, I hope you get to meet up, virtually, with those you care most about. Valentine’s Day isn’t just about romantic love, it’s also about being extra thoughtful and caring towards your friends, family, neighbours and even your pets. ❤️ 

Richard and Belle


I have a cat called ‘Belle’ and she will definitely be getting extra cuddles. Find out why we’re head over heels in love with gymnastics and why we think passion is cool…

We’d love to help your child grow in confidence and fall head over heels in love with gymnastics.


Head over heels in love with gymnasticsPROGRESS = HAPPINESS

So how do we stay head over heels in love with gymnastics at both our physical clubs and our online sessions week in, week out? It’s easy. We all really love what we are doing at Flair and we are all passionate about gymnastics. Because we love gymnastics so much, our love of the sport rubs off on the children.

I’m very lucky that I have always loved what I do, be it gymnastics, acting, stunts and now running the Flair company. I only ever hire gymnastics coaches who are passionate about gymnastics coaching too. Not only do they love teaching others but the sport that they teach thrills them as well. Our coaches feel complete when they work with and talk about what they love. Having passionate teachers motivates your children to be passionate about the sport too as I’m sure you have noticed. Another important thing is that I only ever hire positive people.  The coaches all have positive mindsets and we ask that you help to keep your child in the zone through positive reinforcement and encouragement of their class achievements. Thank you for your continued help with this.

Head over heels in love with gymnasticsENCOURAGEMENT

When we train the coaches at our development courses we always encourage them to pass on their passion for gymnastics to every student because as role models to each child it’s incredibly inspiring to be taught by someone who joyously expresses their love of a subject. In fact, it’s contagious! At Flair we know that passion is cool! (It’s also one of our core values.)

Yesterday we ran another of our Flair Necessities training days and it was inspiring to see all the positive energy and passion flowing from our coaching team as they learnt more about offering exceptional service. 

Head over heels in love with gymnasticsFLAIR NECESSITIES TRAINING DAY

Think back to your school days. I’m sure there is at least one teacher that stands out in your memory. I bet you can even remember their name. Did they teach their subject to you in an unusual or especially creative way? Did the passion that they felt for their subject affect you strongly? Did their love of their subject affect you enough to change your life and your career path? It did mine and I’m sure that I am not alone.

Head over heels in love with gymnasticsINSPIRATION

There were two incredible teachers at my primary school, Kenyngton Manor in Sunbury on Thames. My drama teacher Tim Calloway was amazing. We did a lot of improvisational games where my imagination went wild. I’d lose myself in scenes involving spaceships and time travel! He lit the spark which started my journey of becoming a child actor. My P.E. teacher was Sheila Collins and she is the person who supported me with my gymnastics journey (along with my mum) and kept my love of sport alive each week at school, she even brought my mum (also a gym coach) into the school to coach us all gymnastics at lunch times and after school. Both of these teachers helped to change my life dramatically and I can’t thank them enough for that.

Head over heels in love with gymnasticsFAMILY LOVE

We want our coaches to really inspire your child but most of all we want your child to have a super fun time at class because we know that we all learn best when we are having fun. Smiles and laughter are always encouraged at each and every class, both online and offline! We hope your child stays head over heels in love with their gymnastics classes and grows to be as passionate about gymnastics as we are. Happy Valentine’s Day!

If you would like to find out more about our gymnastics clubs in Surrey why not come along for a Trial Class. 

We’d love to meet you!

Richard Colour Headshot-204710-edited

Founder & CEO

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