I have been watching the Commonwealth Games on the TV over the last week and it’s been great to see how brilliantly the English gymnasts have been performing and the increased interest in the sport of gymnastics. Team England are actually top of the leaderboard having won a mind-blowing 16 medals with Canada in second place with a total of 11 medals. So how can your child get the results that they want at their gym club in Surrey just like their gymnastics idols?..
At the Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast of Australia, Team England have been battling it out to get the results that they want. Flair favourite, Nile Wilson has won an incredible 3 medals, with great contributions from Courtney Tulloch, James Hall and Alice Kinsella all winning 2 medals each. Come on England!!LEARNING YOUR FIRST SKILLS
Most champion gymnasts start gymnastics classes early at around the age of 4. Starting well and not getting into bad habits from an early age gives your child a headstart on their peers. The more we do something, the more it becomes a habit and habits form a skill = success
If you would like to find out more about our gym clubs in Surrey why not book a Trial Class.
BOOK A TRIAL CLASS > www.ukflair.com/clubs
The most important thing is to stick at it. Practice makes permanent. I know that there are so many different choices and clubs out there and it can be really hard to stay focused, but allowing yourself to be torn in different directions breeds the ‘Jack of all trades, master of none’ mentality. If your child has a natural talent then you must support them by encouraging them to keep on going, even when the going gets tough.
To be a champion you need focus, tenacity and sticking power. A champion gymnast needs to commit themselves totally to the sport and make sacrifices along the way. After all, they will be training for about 30 hours a week! It’s all about concentrated effort, persistence and repetition.
Here at Flair I want your budding young gymnasts to be the very best that they can be whilst having bundles of fun along the way. I know that PROGRESS = HAPPINESS and I want your children to be very HAPPY!!
So if you want your child to get the results of a world champion, make sure that they stay focused and stick with their targets and goals. They can do it!
If you would like to find out more about our gym clubs in Surrey why not book a Trial Class.
BOOK HERE > www.ukflair.com/clubs
We can’t wait to meet you!