What’s Happened To Your Gymnastics Coaches?

Gymnastics can be a dangerous sport and the possibility of injury is very real, so we do everything we can to minimise danger and accidents. But what’s happened to your gymnastics coaches?…

It’s super important that your awesome coaching team are always completely up to date with their safety and first aid training, with every club having qualified first aiders and full child protection procedures in place. Last week some of your coaches attended the St John’s Ambulance First Aid Training Course. All Flair coaches undergo an enhanced DBS (police background) check and we operate strict and thorough safety measures at all our clubs and events.

Gymnastics Coach Ella with bandaged arms at her First Aid course COACH ELLA GETS BANDAGED UP AT HER TRAINING DAY

The coaches take safety very seriously, as safe behaviours are our number 1 priority at your club but they also had some fun with their training course, as we all learn best when we are having FUN!

 Thumbs Up from Flair Gymnastics coaches at First Aid CourseCOACH SAM & COACH HANNAH AT THE FIRST AID COURSE

We have a set of service standards at Flair called ‘The Flair Necessities’ represented by ‘The Tumble Teddies’ who are the fantastic friends of Freddie Flair Bear (the club confidence mascot) … ‘The Flair Necessities’ guide the coaches in delivering our 4 important service standards and their related behaviours… SAFETY, COURTESY, PERFORMANCE and EFFICIENCY.
Each ‘Tumble Teddy’ represents a ‘Flair Necessity’ with Tumble Teddy ‘Safety Samuel Bear’ here to highlight the importance of safe behaviours for members, parents and staff. His TOP priority is keeping your child safe at their club’  by teaching the children to:

  • Practise safe behaviours in everything they do
  • Listen closely to what the coaches are teaching
  • To speak up if they see something that might put them or their gym friends in danger

Your child’s coaches do their utmost to keep your child as safe as possible whilst keeping classes super-fun.

Children having fun at their gymnastics classHAVING FUN AT YOUR GYMNASTICS CLASS

As part of our ongoing quest to keep safety our number 1 priority, all equipment is regularly safety checked as part of our risk assessments to keep things running in top notch order.

Our coaches also gain valuable ongoing personal development at the Flair University using our health, safety & welfare policies along with our safeguarding, child protection policy and safe coaching best practices.

Flair gymnastics coach supports child safely on the air trackSUPPORTING YOUR CHILD SAFELY

Our extensive safety measures are in place to give protection and peace of mind to parents, members and our staff. We want to make your time and your child’s time with us a super-fun experience and will do everything we can to keep your child safe whilst they are in our care. 

Now that you know how seriously we take your child’s safety we hope you’d like to find out how you can become part of the Flair family.

Richard Dwyer and the Flair Gymnastics coaching teamRICHARD DWYER (FLAIR FOUNDER) & THE COACHING TEAM

Come and join us at Easter Tumble Camp or Trampolining Masterclass at Club Spectrum in Guildford during the Easter school holidays.

We’d love to meet you.

Best wishes,

Sophie Joyce the parent's champion at Flair Gymnastics

The Parents Champion

P.S. Come and join us at Easter Tumble Camp or Trampolining Masterclass at Club Spectrum in Guildford.

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